Strategies for Achieving a Harmonious Work-Life Integration

The other day, I was watching True Life on MTV, and they featured a guy who was always glued to his phone or laptop. His work-life balance was terrible. His addiction to work and being online was so bad that he and his girlfriend went to therapy. He mentioned working 100 hours a week and was constantly online, even during meals, driving, or finding out they were having a baby.

Since self-employment is still new to me, I often find myself online or on my phone all the time too. Just last night, W told me I’m a workaholic. I’ve always kind of known this about myself. While I enjoy my work and it doesn’t always feel like a job, I need to set boundaries and work on having a better work-life balance. I need to make time for activities that don’t involve my laptop or the internet.

Having a set schedule is crucial for a better work-life balance, whether you work in an office or from home. Working from home can make it especially hard to leave work “in the office.” I often find myself working all morning and night. Sometimes, you might need to turn off your phone and leave it in another room to avoid distractions. I try not to bring my phone when I go out anymore so I can truly enjoy myself.

Prioritizing tasks can also help improve work-life balance. Sometimes I organize tasks from easiest to hardest or vice versa. Doing easy tasks first can help you knock out small items and feel accomplished. I also make sure to complete important tasks for my clients first. If something can wait, I push it to the end of my to-do list.

Learning to say no is another way to maintain a better work-life balance. If you always say yes and have no time for yourself, you need to start saying no. Determine the value of each task and consider if someone else can do it or if it’s worth your time.

Outsourcing tasks can also free up time. Consider hiring virtual assistants or personal assistants for tasks that don’t require your personal attention.

Having a to-do list is essential. Without it, I’d spend too much time wondering what I need to do. I also use the calendar on my phone to stay organized.

Setting time aside to relax and have fun is important too. Maybe make each day after 6 p.m. a no-work period. Turn off everything and spend time with friends or family.

How do you manage both work and life?

By himoney