The Astonishing 10,000% Traffic Surge of a New Blog in Just 6 Months: Essential Insights for Aspiring Bloggers

Hey there! Today, I’ve got an awesome article from Adam Olson, who’s going to teach you how to drive traffic to a new blog. Let’s dive in!

Starting with SEO and web marketing can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to blogging. I want to help ease that stress for all the new bloggers out there. If you’re a seasoned blogger, stick around—you might learn something new too. Our strategy covers both basic and advanced techniques.

Why Listen to Me?

You might be wondering, “Who is this guy?” I’m Adam Olson, and I co-manage a finance blog called Wallet Squirrel with my friend Andrew Kraemer. We started managing niche websites three years ago, and I got hooked on SEO and web marketing. After joining Wallet Squirrel in March 2017, we took our blog from 1,000 views a month to over 10,000 in just six months. Our Alexa ranking also shot up from 4.5 million to 325,000! We’re still growing, and I’m here to share the strategies that worked for us.

How to Get Traffic to a New Blog – 6 Killer Techniques

1. **Performance**
Website performance is crucial. Slow sites drive people away, and Google penalizes them. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to check your site’s speed. We optimized our site with WordPress plugins like WP Fastest Cache and TinyPNG.

2. **SSL Certificate**
An SSL certificate boosts your site’s security and helps with Google rankings. Most hosting plans offer SSL certificates, and some even include them for free.

3. **Keywords**
Keywords are essential for organic traffic. Use Google’s Keyword Planner to research keywords and SEMRush to check their difficulty. Focus on keywords that are easier to rank for, even if they have fewer searches.

4. **Content**
Consistent, high-quality content is key. Google loves lots of content, so aim for articles that are at least 1,000 words. Plan your content in advance and write multiple posts at once to stay ahead.

5. **Backlinks**
Backlinks are important for SEO. Use tools like Backlink Watch to find where your competitors are getting their links. Reach out to those sites and ask them to link to your content.

6. **Indexing**
Indexing your new posts with Google and Bing ensures they show up in search results quickly. Use Google’s and Bing’s Webmaster Tools to submit your new URLs for indexing.

Web Marketing Strategy

1. **Social Media**
Social media is an easy way to get traffic. Use tools like CoSchedule to plan and schedule your posts.

2. **Other Social Platforms**
Platforms like Quora, Reddit, and Slideshare can drive traffic to your blog. Answer questions on Quora, follow Reddit rules to avoid getting blocked, and turn popular posts into slides for Slideshare.

3. **Syndicating**
Syndicate your articles on major publications like Medium and Seeking Alpha. This increases your article’s reach and drives more traffic to your site.

4. **Guest Posting**
Write guest posts for other blogs to reach a wider audience. Find bloggers with similar topics, pitch unique post ideas, and be persistent but respectful.

5. **Impressions**
Engage with well-known bloggers in your field by commenting on and sharing their content. Build relationships and look for opportunities to collaborate.

6. **Infographics**
Infographics are popular and easy to share. Use tools like Adobe Illustrator or hire a freelancer on Fiverr to create them.

These techniques are just the beginning. Are you using any of these strategies? Anything to add? Let’s keep the conversation going!

By himoney