16 Innovative Ways to Carve Out Time for Earning Extra Income

Ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to make some extra cash? I totally get it. For years, I juggled a full-time job and various side hustles like starting my blog, “Making Sense of Cents,” while also being a full-time college student. Working 100-hour weeks was my norm, and yes, it was exhausting.

I did everything I could to find extra time, from taking online surveys to doing mystery shopping. My main goal was to pay off my student loans, and all that hard work paid off—I managed to clear $40,000 in student debt in just seven months. Plus, I discovered a passion for blogging, which eventually became my full-time gig.

Making extra money can help you achieve various goals like paying off debt, saving more, or even turning a side hustle into a full-time business. People often ask me how I managed to balance everything. The truth is, it’s tough but doable, especially if you’re motivated.

Here are some practical tips to help you find time to make extra money:

1. **Know Your Why**: Understand why you want to make extra money. Whether it’s paying off debt or saving for a vacation, your motivation will keep you going.

2. **Wake Up Earlier**: Use the early morning hours to work on your side hustle. Even an extra hour each day adds up.

3. **Stop Hitting Snooze**: Get up as soon as your alarm goes off. Those extra minutes can be used more productively.

4. **Use Your Lunch Break**: Instead of going out for lunch, bring food from home and use that hour to work on your side projects.

5. **Utilize Vacation Days**: Use your paid vacation days to focus on your side hustle. It’s like getting paid twice!

6. **Turn Off the TV**: The average person spends 34 hours a week watching TV. Cut that in half, and you’ve got plenty of time for side hustles.

7. **Make Use of Short Gaps**: Use small gaps in your day, like waiting in line or commuting, to get some side hustle work done.

8. **Evaluate Your Commute**: If you take public transport, use that time to work on tasks that can be done on your phone or laptop.

9. **Stay Organized**: Keep a to-do list to manage your tasks efficiently. Being organized saves time and makes you more productive.

10. **Work on Days Off**: Dedicate a few hours on your days off to your side hustle. It doesn’t have to be the whole day.

11. **Create an Efficient Schedule**: Plan your day to minimize wasted time. For example, align your work and class schedules to avoid unnecessary travel.

12. **Outsource Tasks**: Sometimes spending money to outsource tasks like cleaning or grocery shopping can free up your time for more profitable activities.

13. **Find Passive Income**: Set up income streams that require minimal effort to maintain, so you can focus on other things.

14. **Know Your Peak Times**: Identify when you’re most productive and tackle your side hustle tasks during those hours.

15. **Ask for Help**: Don’t hesitate to ask friends or family for help when you need it. They might be more willing to help than you think.

16. **Take Breaks**: Don’t forget to take breaks to avoid burnout. A short walk or a quick nap can do wonders for your productivity.

Balancing everything can be stressful, so when you need a break, take one. Whether it’s a walk, a workout, or a nap, a short break can help you come back refreshed and ready to tackle your tasks.

How do you find time to make extra money? How much time do you spend each week on side hustles?

By himoney