How I Eliminated $100,000 in Debt Using eBay and Garage Sales – And How You Can Follow Suit!

Hey there! I’m Veronica, and I’ve got a great story to share that might just help you learn how to sell on eBay. Have you ever had a garage sale where folks showed up way too early, eager to grab what you thought was junk? Those people were likely ‘flippers,’ and that stuff you sold for 50 cents might have paid their bills for the month.

My husband Andrew and I are both full-time healthcare professionals and garage sale flippers. We’ve been using garage sales, estate sales, auctions, and eBay to pay our bills and chip away at our debt for a few years now. So far, we’ve paid off $96,500 in student loans, our $15,000 wedding, $5,000 in credit card debt, a $6,500 car, and over half of our mortgage—$76,600 and counting!

We didn’t come into any inheritance or win the lottery. Our secret? Living a super frugal lifestyle and reselling second-hand items on eBay. While most people are sleeping in on Saturday mornings, we’re out with our fanny packs full of cash, ready to hunt for treasures at garage sales.

It’s all about knowing what you’re looking for. Recognizing antiques, collectibles, designer names, and more can determine how much money you can make. There’s a whole underground community making a living from other people’s ‘seconds.’

This year alone, we’ve made about $13,000 by selling on eBay part-time. Here are some key strategies that have worked for us:

### Master Your Craft
First, figure out what you’re interested in. Whether it’s shoes, vinyl records, designer clothes, jewelry, glassware, sports equipment, electronics, artwork, or toys, pick something you enjoy. You’ll likely know more about it than you think, and researching won’t feel like a chore. Once you’ve chosen your niche, start by sorting through your house, hitting up garage sales, or checking Craigslist for cheap or free items.

### Do Your Research
Don’t worry; this isn’t the kind of research that involves libraries and citations. When I get a new item, I search for it on eBay using general descriptor words until I find something similar. This helps me see how much similar items are listed for and how other sellers describe them.

### Make Your Smartphone Work for You
We use our smartphones to research items on the spot using the eBay app. This quick research helps us decide whether to buy an item or pass on it. Surprisingly, not everyone does this, so it gives us an edge. We also use our phones to post items directly to eBay, taking photos and uploading everything through the app. This method is faster than using a computer.

### Keywords Are Key
Just like SEO for blogs, keywords are crucial for your eBay listings. Use every descriptor word possible in the title. Avoid cute titles and focus on keywords to get more views and bids.

### Let People Make Money Off You
This might sound counter-intuitive, but letting others make a profit off of you can ensure your success. By allowing someone else to share the profit, you’ll secure happy, repeat customers, and your inventory will turn over quickly. This lets you buy new inventory and make more money in the long run. We’ve found items for a few dollars and sold them for hundreds by pricing them slightly lower than competitors.

The hardest part is letting go of the need to get maximum value for everything. Relax and don’t be greedy—you’ll be more successful overall by sharing some of the profits.

I hope these strategies help you jump into the eBay flipping world with confidence! It’s not always easy to start something new, but it can be a fun and lucrative side hustle. Come ‘sale’ with us!

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