How Leaving My High-Paying, Secure Job for Blogging Brought Me Joy

Starting your own blog can bring a lot of positives, including the possibility of turning it into a career. That’s exactly what happened to me. Almost two years ago, I left my high-paying and secure job to blog full-time.

Before diving into full-time blogging, I worked as a financial analyst at a small investment firm. The job was stable with good income, great bonuses, and benefits. My employer even told me it was a “lifer” job, meaning I could stay as long as I kept improving, with the potential to eventually run the company. But it just wasn’t for me.

The job was both stressful and boring, which might sound contradictory, but it’s true. Despite the stability and benefits, I often wondered why I left such a “good” job to become a full-time blogger. Some people even called me crazy or said I made a mistake. But I don’t care what anyone says. I’m happier than ever as a full-time blogger and online business owner, and I can’t imagine living any other way. If blogging makes you happy, you should go for it too!

Here are some reasons why I’m glad I left my secure job for blogging:

1. **Unlimited Income Potential**: One of the biggest perks is that my income has no limit. I can work as much or as little as I want. Plus, I love what I do, so making a living from it is a no-brainer. My income now is more than double what I earned in 2013, and I expect it to keep growing.

2. **Being My Own Boss**: I love being my own boss. It’s been around two years now, and I can’t see myself going back. I enjoy deciding what to do each day, setting my schedule, and managing all aspects of my business.

3. **Loving What I Do**: My old job involved stressful tasks like dealing with mergers and acquisitions and valuing companies. It wasn’t enjoyable at all. Now, I love every service I provide, except maybe taxes and dealing with health insurance. Running an online business isn’t for everyone, but it’s something I truly enjoy.

4. **Location Independence**: My online business allows me to work from anywhere. I can travel wherever I want, and we’re even thinking about getting an RV. This flexibility wouldn’t be possible without my online business.

5. **Better Social Life**: People often think working from home means I’m bored and lonely, but that’s far from the truth. At my old job, I was one of the few females and everyone was much older, so I had little social interaction. Now, I talk to people all day long, including my partner Wes, friends, and blogging buddies.

6. **Flexible Schedule**: Working from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with limited vacation time wasn’t for me. Now, I have a flexible schedule and can work when I’m most productive. I can enjoy daylight hours and work later, or mix it up however I like. This flexibility is amazing and makes me look forward to working every day.

Do you love what you do? Would you ever leave a stable job to follow your passion? Is starting your own blog and turning it into a career something you’re aiming for?

By himoney