My Journey to Earning Over $200,000 Through Online Content Creation

Today, I have an awesome post from my friend Holly from She’s a super successful freelance writer who’s made over $200,000 writing online! Here’s her story.

Until 2011, I worked as the Director of Family Services at a local mortuary. The job was good, but it really drained my time, strained my relationships, and took a toll on my sanity.

I had crazy hours, often leaving home at 7:00 a.m. and getting back at 5:30 p.m. On top of that, I worked every other weekend, several evenings each month, and had unpredictable on-call hours. And did I mention I had two kids?

If you work full-time and have kids, you know how tough that can be. Every morning, I took my kids to daycare where they stayed for over 10 hours. Once I left work, I started my “second shift” of parenting – dinner, bath time, playtime, books, and bed.

My life was exhausting, and it felt like there was no end in sight.

Then, in 2012, something surprising happened: We started a blog called Club Thrifty. During the busiest time of my life, I found a way to pursue my real passion – writing. Within a year, I was making enough money writing online to replace my $38,000 salary. So, I gave a one-month notice and left my job.

Since 2012, I’ve earned more than I ever imagined, all from home. In 2015, I made over $180,000 from freelance writing, not including my blog income. And in 2016, I was on track to make more than $200,000.

I’m not only a Contributing Editor for The Simple Dollar, but I also write for Lending Tree, Frugal Travel Guy, and U.S. News and World Report Travel. My writing has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, and Fox Business, among others.

People are often surprised when they hear this. My background isn’t in journalism. Before 2012, I mostly wrote short stories, essays, and books of depressing poetry. But I taught myself what I needed to know through trial and error, and it’s been amazing.

Over the years, many people have asked me how they can do the same. Here are the main tips I share:

1. **Start a blog.**
If you want to create online content or make money through affiliate marketing, you need a blog. It’s much easier to build a writing career if you have an online presence. Blogging and freelance writing go hand-in-hand.

2. **Be yourself and put yourself out there.**
Many new writers think they need to tone themselves down to succeed. But injecting your personality into your writing can make you an online personality, which can lead to better and higher-paying work. Don’t be afraid to shine.

3. **Do the jobs others don’t want to do.**
People assume I only take glamorous jobs, but that’s not true. Often, the more boring the job, the higher it pays. I’ve learned which niches to look in for the most lucrative, though dull, jobs.

4. **Show up like you own the place.**
Whether you’re starting a blog or trying to get your first writing job, don’t rely too much on others’ feedback. Instead of seeking approval, act like you’ve been awesome all along. Over time, you’ll embody your positive thoughts.

5. **Treat your online writing career like a real job.**
Many new freelancers don’t treat their work seriously. They procrastinate and take a passive approach. To succeed, you need a strong work ethic. Treat it like a real job, and it will become one.

I’ve learned a lot over the years, more than I can share here. That’s why I created a course called Earn More Writing. It includes nine video modules, printable worksheets, and more. You’ll learn how to get paid writing jobs, find beginner jobs, price yourself, and much more. You can also get one-on-one coaching with me for personalized help.

Before you sign up for a writing course, ask yourself who has actually “done it?” Can anyone else say they built a six-figure writing career without a journalism background, with zero connections, and from scratch? Very few can.

If you’re tired of your job and ready to turn your writing skills into paid work, I’m here to help. In the meantime, check out my Facebook group for freelancers: Earn More Writing with Holly Johnson.

Are you interested in writing online? Why or why not?

By himoney