Top 25 Essential Blogging Questions to Kickstart Your Journey Today

Got questions about making money from blogging? Today, I’m tackling the most common queries I get about starting a blog.

I get tons of emails daily about blogging, and I totally get it! When I started, I had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t know blogs could make money or how they even worked. I learned mostly through trial and error, making plenty of mistakes along the way. It’s crazy to see how far I’ve come because, at first, I barely knew what a blog was. I had so many questions, just like many new bloggers do now.

Today, I’m answering some of the most frequent questions I get:

1. **What is a blog?**
A blog is a website filled with content, usually articles like the one you’re reading now. Blogs can be used for journaling, teaching, selling, storytelling, and more. Blog posts are individual entries that can include text, photos, videos, and more.

2. **Do I need to be good with computers to start a blog?**
You just need basic computer skills. You don’t have to know how to code. Most bloggers aren’t tech wizards and that’s perfectly fine. You can learn as you go and use easy plugins to make your website work the way you want.

3. **I’m afraid to start my blog and put myself out there. How do I get over this fear?**
This is a common fear for new bloggers. It’s normal to feel scared when starting something new, but you won’t know unless you try. Just start and see if you like it!

4. **Can I blog anonymously?**
Yes, you can. Many bloggers start anonymously. You can use a pen name, avoid sharing personal photos, and more.

5. **Is it too late to start a blog?**
No, it’s not too late. The online world is still new and constantly evolving. There are always new ways to monetize and grow your blog.

6. **How do I come up with a blog name?**
Coming up with a blog name can be tough. Make it easy to spell, think about what you’ll write about, use a thesaurus for ideas, make it catchy, or just use your name.

7. **What should I write about on my blog?**
Write about what you’re passionate about or knowledgeable in. This makes blogging fun instead of a chore. You can cover multiple topics or focus on one specific area.

8. **Should I pay for a blog platform or use a free one?**
I recommend paying for a self-hosted blog. It looks more professional, gives you control, and can’t be deleted for any reason.

9. **How do you design a blog?**
You can design it yourself, pay someone, or buy a pre-made theme. I recommend starting with a pre-made design to save time.

10. **How much do I have to spend before I can earn money blogging?**
You don’t need to spend a lot. I spent less than $100 in my first year. Your main expenses will be your computer, blog design, hosting, and any courses or tools you use.

11. **How do you think of ideas for new blog posts?**
I get ideas from life experiences, reader questions, research, and brainstorming sessions. Sometimes I ask my readers what they want to read more about.

12. **How can I increase pageviews to my blog?**
Publish high-quality posts, be active on social media, post regularly, network with other bloggers, guest post, make it easy to share your content, create catchy headlines, learn SEO, and make it easy for readers to browse your blog.

13. **How often should I write a blog post?**
I recommend at least once a week. Consistency is key. I started with short posts a few times a week and now do one long post each week.

14. **How many blog posts should I have before launching?**
Just one. You can add more as you go. Don’t overthink it; just get started.

15. **How long should a blog post be?**
At least 1,000 words. My posts are usually at least 2,000 words, but it depends on your niche and topic.

16. **How do I get my blog noticed by Google/SEO?**
Learn about SEO. There are free courses and articles that can help you understand how to optimize your blog for search engines.

17. **How long does it take a blog to make money?**
It varies. It took me nearly a year to start earning a few hundred dollars a month. Some bloggers make money faster, while others take longer. It depends on your effort and strategy.

18. **How do blogs make money?**
Through affiliate marketing, sponsorships, display advertising, product sales, staff writing, and public speaking.

19. **How do bloggers get paid?**
Payments come from the companies you partner with, whether it’s for affiliate marketing, ads, sponsored posts, or other collaborations. Payments are usually made through PayPal or checks.

20. **What’s your process for publishing a new blog post?**
I brainstorm topics, create a schedule, write the content, get it edited, add images and formatting, publish and share it, and email my subscribers.

21. **Can you make money on TikTok?**
Yes, you can. There are guides available that explain how to monetize TikTok.

22. **Do you have to pay taxes on blogging income?**
Yes, blogging income is taxable. There are resources available to help you understand how to handle taxes for your blog.

23. **Where can I get photos for blog posts?**
Use your own photos, or purchase stock photos from sites like Ivory Mix and DepositPhotos. Avoid using images from Google or Pinterest without permission.

24. **Do I need an email list?**
Yes, an email list is crucial. It helps you engage with your readers and can be a significant source of income.

25. **What legal disclosures do I need for my blog?**
You’ll need a privacy policy, terms and conditions, and disclosures. There are templates available to help you with these.

26. **What blogging ebooks and courses do you recommend?**
There are many valuable resources, including courses on affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, SEO, and more. These can help you start and grow a successful blog.

If you don’t have a blog yet, consider taking my free course on how to start one. It covers everything from choosing a topic to making money and growing your traffic.

Got more questions about blogging? Feel free to ask!

By himoney