How I Achieved Over 200,000 Pageviews in a Single Day Without Using Ads: 8 Key Strategies

Hey there! I’m excited to share some amazing tips with you all today on how I managed to hit 200,000 pageviews in just one day on my blog.

A lot has changed since my last post in 2017, but all for the better. My husband, Silas, and I started our blog, Chasing Foxes, back in 2016. After a few months of hard work, our site really took off.

Our journey began because Silas wanted to find a way to work online and leave his toxic job so we could travel the world. We made a plan: he would work full-time at his corporate job, and I would focus on the blog from home. Despite being super poor and facing challenges like our car breaking down, we persevered. We cut back on expenses, rarely went out, and worked hard on the blog. This dedication paid off, allowing us to achieve our financial goals and travel full-time.

In 2019, our Pinterest pageviews started to soar. Although we had ups and downs, we managed to break our previous records. One day in April, we hit 139,560 pageviews, and the next month, we reached an astonishing 200,513 pageviews in a single day.

Here’s what I did to make it happen:

### Pin Images
I create five pins per post and regularly update them. By checking Google Analytics, I identify top-performing posts and create new pins for them. Using tools like PicMonkey or Canva, I make templates for quick updates. Changing the position of images and trying new styles every few weeks has also been crucial.

### Titles
Study successful bloggers and experiment with new phrases. Brainstorm multiple titles for each post to find the most eye-catching ones. Monitor their performance and reuse effective phrases.

### Pinning Strategy
We switched from using automated tools like BoardBooster and Tailwind to manual pinning. This change helped our pageviews rise steadily. Test different methods to find what works best for you.

### Keywords
Use relevant keywords to get your pins noticed. Type general words related to your post into Pinterest’s search bar and use the suggested keywords. Create a list of keywords for your main topics to streamline the process.

### Pinterest Boards
Focus on personal boards with specific niches rather than group boards. Naming your boards with targeted keywords helps Pinterest’s algorithm show your pins to the right audience.

### Adapting to Changes
Stay flexible and adapt to Pinterest’s algorithm changes. Instead of panicking when pageviews drop, look for new strategies and tweak your approach.

### Snowballing Success
Leverage successful posts by creating new pins and related content. This strategy helps boost your visibility and maintain momentum.

I hope these tips help you grow your pageviews. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at Happy blogging!

By himoney