The Transformative Impact of Juggling Four Jobs Simultaneously

Hello! Today, I’m excited to share a story from my friend Lindsey from And the Kitchen Sink. She managed to pay off nearly $20,000 of debt in just one year and is on a mission to achieve financial independence. Juggling multiple jobs can be exhausting, but it can definitely be worth it.

When I graduated from college, I never imagined I’d end up working four jobs. I walked across that stage debt-free, ready to start my life without any student loans. A little over a year later, while we’re not drowning in debt, we are working on paying off a car loan.

I landed a full-time salaried job right after college, writing proposals for a big company. However, I quickly realized how much I disliked working for large corporations. The work felt unfulfilling and went against my core values. I had studied journalism to tell true stories, not to write glorified content for companies.

Despite my dislike for the job, I couldn’t be picky. I had no real-world experience, and we needed the paycheck. Feeling depressed and conflicted, I craved a creative outlet, which led to the birth of And the Kitchen Sink.

Inspired by others who had turned blogging into a full-time career, I started my own blog. I didn’t know exactly what I’d write about, but I needed a space to be creative. Over the past year, I embraced a more frugal lifestyle, which brought me immense joy. Choosing to live frugally has positively transformed our lives, and I started sharing these experiences on my blog.

There’s a misconception that frugality is only for the poor or that it’s no fun. I used to think money was the key to happiness, but I’ve learned that frugality is a choice. For some, it’s out of necessity; for others, it’s a decision to live simply.

My blog became my first side hustle, and I’m so glad I started it. I spend about 20-30 hours a week on it, doing everything from creating posts to managing social media and working with a graphic designer. Although it incurs some expenses, we budgeted for it until the blog could cover its costs, with the goal of eventually allowing me to quit my full-time job.

After living in our one-bedroom apartment for six months, we planned to stay another year to save money. However, when our renewal rates increased by $100 a month with no added benefits, we decided to move. We found a great new apartment without unnecessary add-ons, but it lacked a washer and dryer. We charged the purchase to our credit card, planning to pay it off with my tax return. Unfortunately, the IRS needed additional information, delaying the return.

To avoid debt, I took a second side job as a staff writer for another blogger, spending about 10 hours a month on it. When my tax return finally arrived, we paid off the washer and dryer debt without accruing interest. I decided to keep the staff writing job and reinvest the money into my blog.

Enjoying the writing, I also started freelancing, which became my third side hustle. I usually take 2-3 freelance jobs a month, spending 2-3 hours on each. The extra income helps fund my blog and fill budget gaps. We’ve used this money to pay off debt, stay within our budget, and even save for vacations. I’ve been side hustling for nearly eight months, working about 60 hours a week in total.

I manage to work on my side hustles during downtime at my full-time job and use weekends for rest, spending only an hour or two on my blog. While I wouldn’t recommend working four jobs to everyone, there are benefits.

First, it provides a creative outlet. Corporate writing is highly regulated, and original writing is rare. My side hustles allow me to share my experiences and write freely, fulfilling a need that my full-time job doesn’t.

Second, extra money never hurts. If it weren’t for the paycheck, I’d focus solely on my passions. Side hustles are a great way to earn extra money, whether you’re paying off debt, going over budget, or building savings. For instance, I funded a shore excursion for our upcoming cruise with money from my side hustles.

Third, I’ve learned what I like. Different projects and assignments have helped me discover my interests and passions, much like internships did during college.

These side jobs bring happiness and fulfillment to my life. Even a year ago, I never imagined working four jobs, but it has changed my life for the better. If you’re considering a side hustle, I say go for it. It might just improve your life too.

By himoney